Meet Carolijn Hooij, a stylist that mesmerises us with her extraordinary work. Working in the creative industry has taught her that anything is possible and everyone should be their unapologetic self. She gives us insight in her visions and values together with some helpful tips.
T: What motivates you to grab your phone to capture the moment?
C: I really enjoy capturing the seen and the unseen, the daily things in life where people don’t really pay attention to anymore. To me photography is a visual storyteller, a picture really is worth a thousand words! Documenting and collecting photo’s is also a practical tool for me to remember small things or specific moments in my life. My memory is like a sieve so I tend to forget things easily. I think I would go crazy if I would lose my pictures on my phone – thank god for iCloud storage!
T: You’ve lived and worked in New York.
C: How did you manage to push new boundaries in a new environment? To me new places and being in a different environment brings me a lot of new energy and joy. I think that energy automatically helps push new boundaries. Another advantage is that New York City is a place with endless possibilities, many things to discover and so many interesting people to meet! No one seemed to be afraid to be their true self, it felt like everyone was following their dreams and that was super inspiring for me to see.
T: Which job in the creative industry has been the most valuable one until now?
C: My job as Creative Content Creator in New York was very valuable to me in terms of realizing that the sky really is the limit but also in terms of personal development. During my time in New York I named my alter ego ‘’Dora the Explorer’’, as I wanted to try everything new and see if I would like it – from different haircuts to food and boys, haha.

T: How did this job measure up to your personal values?
C: A super important value to me is to work in a safe and open environment where I can totally be myself. There should be room for personal development and growth as well. In New York I worked for a former classmate whom I met at University in Amsterdam. We knew each other well and work didn’t feel like work as we both enjoyed so much what we’re doing.
T: What do you keep in mind when you’re facing a decision?
C: I’m trying to think with my heart rather than what my mind tells me to do. I always try to imagine how I would feel after making that decision – would it make me happy, would it bring me joy? I also try to ask for advice from my sisters or other people who are very close to me.
T: What is your favorite homemade meal?
C: Japanese ramen soup for sure! Ideally my favorite meal should be healthy, nutritious and ready to serve in less than 20 minutes. A ramen soup is super easy to make once you found the right miso paste. Top it off with some nori, scallion, a soft boiled egg and some black sesame seeds and you’re ready to go!